An all in one Stability Exercises for Managing Neck, Upper Back and Shoulder Pain, and Improving Posture

Since the neck, upper back and shoulders are intimately interconnected and interdependent, finding an exercise that targets the stability of these areas at the same time is priceless.

Reducing neck, mid back and shoulder pain without addressing common postural faults as protracted (rounded) shoulders, hunch back (hyperkyphosis) and anterior head carriage (AHC) otherwise known as forward head posture (FHP) is difficult.

You can’t restore good cervical posture, motor control, stability and strength if the shoulders are protracted.

My favorite exercises for improving upper body posture and pain are scapulae stabilization combined with cervical range of motion exercises, as per the video. 

Scapulae stabilization combined with cervical range of motion exercises
Stretch a rubber band or tubing in front of your chest, using 30-40% of your strength, while pulling your scapulae back and down. The tubing should touch the chest and the head should be retracted and balanced over the shoulders. With the head and shoulders retracted, slowly flex and extend the neck 6-10x, then rotate the head from side to side 6-10x. Repeat the neck movements while holding the arms at 45 degrees.

These exercises enhance scapular and cervical alignment, stability and motor control while dramatically improving mobility and reducing pain. The exercises stimulate the slow twitch deep stabilizing endurance muscles with static and slow motion exercises using only 30-40% of your available strength. The exercises should be held or repeated for as long as possible without causing pain. If an exercise causes pain do less repetitions or take a break from the exercises for a few days before starting them again. If the pain persists, consult your chiropractor.